Eating Healthier

Becoming a Healthier Eater

In former years many people often associated healthy eating with bland, boring meals.
As a result many were distressed at the thought of changing their diet to include
more wholesome food choices. Thanks to the booming healthy eating revolution that

is currently going on, there are tons of healthy, delicious food choices.

The decision to prepare healthier meals should be well thought out. It is a process
rather than an impromptu decision. You should take some time to educate yourself
about basic nutrition and what proportion

the body requires for optimum functioning.

You may start by paying closer attention to food labels, calorie counting or just
eating foods as close to its natural state as possible. Despite the method that
you choose it all comes down to consistently choosing to eat the right proportions

combinations of healthy foods. Do not overeat some healthy foods because you like

Five Tips for Eating Healthier

1. Set realistic expectations –

If you have been making ‘less-than-healthy’ food choices all your life, do not

expect that your brain will suddenly forget how tasty some treats are. Have an open
mind and a positive attitude and give your taste buds time to adjust to the new

2. Learn to Forgive yourself –

It is a given that the transition to being a healthy eater will not be perfect.
There will be

times when the subcon-scious cravings will get the better of you and you will ‘relapse’.
The key to making this lifestyle change is to forgive yourself quickly and be back
on the path to achieving your dietary goals.

3. Have an Accountability Partner –

Having someone with whom you share your

desire eating goals will definitely help to keep you on the right track. Ensure
that this person is a friend with whom you socialize closely so that you will have
that second eye looking out for you at social gatherings where you may be most tempted
to eat what everyone else is eating.

4. Have a Plan –

Ask yourself the question, Why do I want to eat healthier? Is it to maintain your
physique? Are you already overweight? Are you ill? Are you trying to avoid being
ill? Are you doing it because everyone at the office is doing it? Are you being
pressured by your partner? Your answer will be the main reason you will

achieve or fail in your attempt to become a healthier eater.

5. Have a Positive Attitude –

Your state of mind will not only motivate and inspire you forge ahead with your
decision, it will help to keep you focused. Exude an air of confidence as you make
informed decisions about

food. Be open to share the reason for your decision with others. You may be the
reason they want to try a healthier diet too.

Benefits of Deep Breathing exercises

Thankfully breathing is an involuntary action that relieves the body of waste

materials and replenishes the body’s Oxygen supply. In the fast paced society in
which we live some of us are so busy that we would sometimes forget to breathe.
Before your life becomes so stressful that you cannot focus, develop the habit of
doing deep breathing and relaxation exercises daily. Accept this grand opportunity
to relax

and free your mind of the stressors of life. Feel the stress dissipate each time
you exhale and be invigorated with new energy with each new breath. There is no
way you can go wrong with deep breathing exercises and relaxation.

Here are some Benefits of Deep Breathing exercises

1. It helps to rid the body of the harmful chemicals such as Carbon Dioxide which
is very toxic to our bodies.

2. It provides a fresh supply of Oxygen without which the body cells could not survive.

3. It helps the body to recover from illness or injury much faster. This happens

as freshly oxygenated blood carries the necessary nutrients and white blood cells
which are needed to keep the body in tip top shape.

4. It helps to reduce the feeling of Anxiety and tension.

5. It improves our ability to

concentrate. The brain works best when it has a fresh supply of oxygen. Failure
to provide this supply will result in decreased levels of alertness and over a prolonged
period will result in death of brain tissues.

6. It gives you an opportunity to be at one with yourself. The practice of deep

breathing exercises is best done in an environment that is free of distractions.
As a result you can tune in to the vibrations of your body and feel your body’s
response to the exercise.

Here is a deep breathing a relaxation technique to get you started on the path to
a more relaxed life.

-Find a quiet location prefer-ably early in the morning when the air is fresh. If
you are stimulated to relax by sound, have some soothing instrumental or nature
sound in the background.

-Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground.

-Let your hands relax flatly on your thighs pointing forward.

– Close your eyes and think about being at one with your body. Try to feel what
your body is doing. Embrace the sensation of your heart beating.

– Take a deep breath slowly

and feel your lungs expand as your ribs move out and your diaphragm flattens.

– Breathe out slowly and release the tension and toxins that is inside you.

Practice this deep breathing exercise and relaxation technique for 5-10 minutes
initially. Chances are, as you

start to feel the benefits of this technique your body will crave more and you will
naturally be spending more time relaxing.

Fueled by Fiber Fiber

is one of the most abundant yet often one of the most neglected Nutrients. Most
of the time we only remember it when

we have difficulty with meeting out elimination needs. Having a good fiber intake
is not as difficult as it may seem. All that is needed is a few simple adjustments
to your diet and your bowel will thank you for it! The recommended daily fiber allowance
for the healthy adult is 50 grams. A fiber rich diet should not be eaten in a rush.
Adequate time is required for chewing.

Here are some helpful Fiber Facts

1. It decreases your risk of consuming too many calories. A fiber rich meal gives
you a sense of fullness thus preventing you from consuming too many excess calories.
They will also give you a sense of fullness for

longer thus decreasing cravings.

2. A diet rich in fiber causes you to drink more water. Fiber requires the 6-8 recommended
glasses of water and more to keep it moving through the system. Failure to drink
adequate water with a fiber rich diet will lead to constipation.

3. It increases gastrointestinal motility. This is key in reducing your risk of
constipation that often sets in due to poor fiber content in the diet and low water

4. It is easy to incorporate added fiber in the diet. If its doctor recommended
just add an extra serving of fruits and/or vegetables to your daily diet and you
are well on your way to achieving your goal.

5. Fiber helps the body to eliminate excess fat and cholesterol. The less fat that
is built up within the blood vessels and around our organs will improve our chances
of living longer.

6. It reduces the risk of suffering from hemorrhoids due to straining at stool.

7. Helps in the reduction of Blood Sugar by decreasing the rate at which foods travels
through the Gastrointestinal system thus preventing excess accumulation of sugar
in the blood

With all this said and if doctor recommended, here are a few quick picks that you
can prepare which will guarantee that you will

be well on your way to having excellent fiber intake.
– All unprocessed vegetables – preferably sautéed rather than boiled which will
reduce the fiber levels.

– Whole grains and unprocessed cereals (such as Oats)- they are an excellent source
of fiber as well as other essential nutrients.

– Unprocessed Peas and Beans.
– Unprocessed fruits and if you are adventurous you may want to try having some
with their skin intact, these include Mangoes, Raspberries, Apples and Pears.

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