“Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring.” This line from the Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire holds particularly true when the ring involves being someone’s backup. Most people who’re satisfied in their roles as backups often
Who is the fairest? Look deep into her eyes and you’ll know
"I have to tell you something very important," said Mike. At that very moment, the
phone rang. It was not his phone. He had already switched it off before he entered
the restaurant. It was Sarah's.
"Go ahead. Answer it," he
The Useful and the Used
I was in university when I began to get intimate with this guy. We would do everything on campus and never went out. Finally, after 3 months, we went on our first date after I began hinting heavily. We took a taxi
Eating Healthier
In former years many people often associated healthy eating with bland, boring meals. As a result many were distressed at the thought of changing their diet to include more wholesome food choices. Thanks to the booming healthy eating revolution that
How can you tell when someone is serious or just playing with your emotions?
How can you tell when someone is serious or just playing with your emotions? Can you read another person's mind? It's not humanly possible. Unless you are a psychic or an alien, reading other people's minds is simply out of the
Hard to say what your heart wants to say? Talk to girls with confidence
You are a great guy. This woman likes you and you know it. You've met her a few times. You know she likes you by the way she smiles when she says your name. Right now, she's walking towards you. She
The Importance of Dressing Well
Putting your best foot forward usually starts with your own personal style—a combination of attitude and fashion. When these two forces effectively fuse together, you can claim your Individual flavor. People around you—friends, associates and love interests—will pick up on these nuances
The photo effect
Photographs are static representations of how we looked at the time that an image
is taken.
In a world where almost everyone has a space on social media, photographs are now
being regarded with a new sense of importance. There
Tips for guys
Tips to keep them wanting to spend more and more and more and more time getting to know more about you. Whether she's your date for the company picnic, the single mom at the PTA who caught your eye or even the
Tips for girls
Tips to keep them wanting to spend more and more and more and more time getting to know more about you. Perhaps it's the crush you've been nursing on the guy-next door, or a date with Mr. Tall-Dark-Handsome you met online?