How to Successfully Date More Than One Person

There is no dearth of people who want to date more than one person, only until they meet someone they wish to spend the rest of their lives with. This is not without reason, and the benefits can be manifold. Gloria, a friend who lives in my
neighborhood, dated as many as 25 men in around 18 months. Her husband was the 26th, with whom she͛s been married for over four years.

was the 26th, with whom she’s been married for over four years.

Why Not Settle for the First?
You meet someone, you sense great chemistry, and you decide you’ve found the one. This fairytale like scenario is rare to find. In most cases, people have to date several others before they

see sparks fly. If you settle for the first person that comes your way, you are simply excluding all other possibilities. A month or more into a relationship, you might wonder why you got into it in the first place. Then, you have to start all over again. Jumping into the arms of the first person you meet, especially after a breakup or divorce, is not in your best

interest. At such times, most people are at the vulnerable best. You might feel that the person you’ve moved on to can provide you with the comfort and support you need. However, your recent breakup can leave you with clouded judgment. Besides, latching on to the first person that comes your way prevents you from exploring other options.

Why Date Multiple People?
Casual dating gives you easy means to meet new people and have fun, and it leaves room for a date to materialize into something more serious. There is more than one good reason behind behind dating multiple people.

– Feel empowered. If you are dating just one person, you might go all out with your emotional investment. This can lead to a sense of
helplessness, especially if the person you’re dating is overly dominant. Dating more than one person gives you a sense of control, making you feel empowered in return.

– Have options to fall back on.
Exclusively dating someone for a few weeks, only to breakup, can be more than just disappointing. No matter what the reason for the breakup is, it is only natural that you’ll have to start over again. On the other hand, if you are casually dating more than one person, even when a ‘breakup’ happens, you still have

other options.
– Compare probable partners.
A few years ago, I dated this seemingly great person for a few weeks, only to realize we had little in common. The whole thing was quite a waste of time and effort. At the end, I was back to square one. By dating more than one person, you can compare

qualities in probable partners. This way, you know who is better for you in the long run.

How Do You Find More Than One Person to Date?
While this can seem like a daunting task, all it needs is some perseverance. With Internet usage growing by leaps

and bounds in recent times, the splurge in online dating comes as no surprise. There is no discounting traditional ways of meeting probable dates. You can ask your friends, relatives or co-workers to set you up with someone. You can even consider hooking up with someone at local hangouts. The online world

opens up a considerably wider sea of fish. It not only allows you to meet people from across borders, it can also serve as a means to connect with others from your city, or even your neighborhood.

What about Ethical Obligations?
If your date asks you whether

you are seeing other people, there is no good reason to lie. If not, as your dates progress, coming clean is the best way to go about things. Telling your date that you are seeing other people does not have to be awkward – you can broach the subject
in a casual manner. You might want to let the other person know why

this system works for you. Reactions can vary from nonchalant to shock. While some might be multi-dating themselves, some others might not want to take the relationship
further. Either way, you know you’re not being deceptive. What you have to remember is there is no room for double-standards.

If you wish to date more than one person, you cannot expect a person you’re dating to remain exclusive. Once the transformation of a budding relationship into something more meaningful is ready to happen, there’s a good chance you’ll know.

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