How to Transition from Office Wear to Evening Wear

Every hardworking gentleman deserves a satisfying and balanced work week. With the
stressful pressure of deadlines and commitments, a man needs to indulge in some
quality evenings out. Once a week–ideally on Fridays — it’s nice to have dinner
with some coworkers or attend a trendy lounge with the guys. This

leisure time offsets the tedium of work life, allowing you to feel rewarded for
your day-to-day toils.

When it comes to having a solid evening, a man needs to prepare the right look.
Showing up in a bar or lounge with a tacky disco-looking dress shirt is only going
to repel ladies

and embarrass your entourage. So, please be wise and take some key dressing pointers.

First of all, do not think that your evening wear has to be entirely different from
your work wear. This is a common fallacy that tricks men into thinking they need
two separate wardrobes,

which is entirely untrue. In fact, a lot of the refined attire that men wear to
work can easily be transformed into respectable evening wear and appears more impressive.
So, you should never worry about being over-dressed.

Other notable trends this season are metallic shirts.

While they are on the flashy side, this trend can be easily dressed down with a
simple office jacket or blazer. Plaid is another option that is still a strong fashion
choice for casual settings. To make plaid work for evenings, choose darker colors
such as charcoal, purple or navy.
On chilly nights, you can throw
on a black or grey

ardigan and a simple leather bracelet, a fierce accessory that adds flavor to your
By following these tips, you will be ready for your night out. Just don’t forget
to add a touch of confidence, the ultimate ingredient for every outfit. Ultimately,
you will see that by balancing work life and nightlife, you will feel happier about
your lifestyle and more fulfilled.

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