“Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring.” This line from the Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire holds particularly true when the ring involves being someone’s backup. Most people who’re satisfied in their roles as backups often have their justifications in place. You want love in any way it comes, you’re hoping for a better tomorrow or you’re simply"

Who is the fairest? Look deep into her eyes and you’ll know

"I have to tell you something very important," said Mike. At that very moment, the phone rang. It was not his phone. He had already switched it off before he entered the restaurant. It was Sarah's.
"Go ahead. Answer it," he said.
Sarah hesitated. "You said you wanted to tell me something

The Useful and the Used

I was in university when I began to get intimate with this guy. We would do everything on campus and never went out. Finally, after 3 months, we went on our first date after I began hinting heavily. We took a taxi with two friends to the beach and walked along the promenade. I was grinning from ear to ear. Then we stopped

Eating Healthier

In former years many people often associated healthy eating with bland, boring meals. As a result many were distressed at the thought of changing their diet to include more wholesome food choices. Thanks to the booming healthy eating revolution that

How can you tell when someone is serious or just playing with your emotions?

How can you tell when someone is serious or just playing with your emotions? Can you read another person's mind? It's not humanly possible. Unless you are a psychic or an alien, reading other people's minds is simply out of the question. Or so we think. Well, think again. One of the best parts of being in a relationship is that with time you can get to know your partner so

Hard to say what your heart wants to say? Talk to girls with confidence

You are a great guy. This woman likes you and you know it. You've met her a few times. You know she likes you by the way she smiles when she says your name. Right now, she's walking towards you. She smiles and says something. You freeze and choke on the words in your mouth. You can't say a word and you are worried that if you open

The Importance of Dressing Well

Putting your best foot forward usually starts with your own personal style—a combination of attitude and fashion. When these two forces effectively fuse together, you can claim your Individual flavor. People around you—friends, associates and love interests—will pick up on these nuances to gain a

The photo effect

Photographs are static representations of how we looked at the time that an image is taken.

In a world where almost everyone has a space on social media, photographs are now being regarded with a new sense of importance. There is a request to upload a photograph to every

Tips for guys

Tips to keep them wanting to spend more and more and more and more time getting to know more about you. Whether she's your date for the company picnic, the single mom at the PTA who caught your eye or even the groovy banjo player you sometimes meet at the coffee shop, make sure she sits up and takes notice. Here are some tips to help you out.

Tips for girls

Tips to keep them wanting to spend more and more and more and more time getting to know more about you. Perhaps it's the crush you've been nursing on the guy-next door, or a date with Mr. Tall-Dark-Handsome you met online? Nevertheless, step one: target located!The mission? Make sure he has a good time when you meet;

Seven Natural ways to Look Younger (without spending a dollar)

The flawless women portrayed on the world's most popular magazine covers are the envy of many. So often women put themselves through great pain as they aspire to have that "look". If we pause to think it through we may finding ourselves wondering if it is worth all the pain. True beauty is not limited to what

Do Profiles of People Without Photos Deserve Your Attention

We live in a time when the Internet’s proliferation in most aspects of our lives is plain to see, dating included. In fact, a study published by the American National Academy of Sciences states that around a third of all people in the country meet their spouses online. An

How to Let Yourself Be Hugged

Touch, according to Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, is “the first language we learn.” Different studies have demonstrated the benefits of seemingly inconsequential human touch. If a teacher supportively touches a student on his or her back, the student is more likely to volunteer. If you

To Snoop or Not to Snoop in Your Partner’s Cell?

I finally got some ‘me time’ in and was about to binge watch anything Netflix when I got ‘the call.’My best friend Irene called all panicky, but she was speaking too fast for me to keep up so I told […]

How to Transition from Office Wear to Evening Wear

Every hardworking gentleman deserves a satisfying and balanced work week. With the stressful pressure of deadlines and commitments, a man needs to indulge in some quality evenings out. Once a week–ideally on Fridays — it’s nice to have dinner with […]

Knowing me, knowing you. Can meditation improve your relationship?

Meditation is a spiritual fad. It's not for normal people like us. If that's what you think , then ou are not alone.
That's what Sarah and Mike thought as well.
Sarah came home from work early, one evening and found Mike, her husband sitting in front of the TV. A few weeks later, they were seeing a marriage counsellor, who

How to Successfully Date More Than One Person

There is no dearth of people who want to date more than one person, only until they meet someone they wish to spend the rest of their lives with. This is not without reason, and the benefits can be manifold. Gloria, a friend who lives in my neighborhood, dated as many as 25 men in around 18 months. Her husband was the 26th, with whom she͛s been married for over four years.

How Do You Best Explain the Longevity of Love?

Does love really last, and is it the same when you're older? You know, like how it is in the beginning? This is what someone asked me last week and to tell truth, I had to think about it because the longest relationship I've been in is my current one of 11 years.

How Do You Know You’re a Cold Fish

We’ve all met someone who we refer to as a cold fish. You know, those people who seem devoid of any emotions at all, and who just don’t give off the vibes that they’re human? I know people like that. I had this best friend years ago, Jayne. I didn’t always confide in her about how I felt because I preferred to take care of things on my own.

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